
美国太阳信托银行(SunTrust Banks)


  太阳信托银行公司 (NYSE: STI) 是美国东南部最早的银行之一。在美国拥有1200家分支银行,这些银行经营全部业务,包括个人和商业服务,如保险资产治理、投资治理和证券承销等业务。

  SunTrust Banks, Inc.is an American bank holding company. The largest subsidiary is SunTrust Bank. It had $182.2 billion in assets as of December 31, 2006.

  SunTrust Bank‘s most direct corporate parent was established in 1891 in Atlanta, Georgia, where its headquarters remain.SunTrust Bank operates approximately 1,700 bank branches across southeastern states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC.



  The earliest predecessor institution, Farmers Bank of Alexandria, Virginia, was founded in 1811. The most direct corporate parent, the Trust Company of Georgia, was founded in 1891 as the Commercial Travelers‘ Savings Bank. Two years later, it restructured as a trust company and renamed itself Trust Company of Georgia. The current SunTrust Banks, Inc. was the result of a merger between the Trust Company of Georgia and SunBanks, Inc. of Florida in 1985. Branches of the bank adopted the name of the parent entity in 1995.


  In 1986, shortly after the Trust Company-SunBanks merger, SunTrust purchased Third National Corporation of Tennessee. It purchased Crestar Financial of Virginia in 1998.[1] In 2001, SunTrust launched a hostile takeover bid for Wachovia, after Wachovia announced its intention to merge with First Union. This attempt was unsuccessful. (See the Wachovia article for more information.)

  The company bought Memphis based National Commerce Financial Corporation (NCF) for $7 billion in 2004. This acquisition gave SunTrust branches and assets in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia and West Virginia.

  SunTrust is frequently the target of rumors that it will be acquired by a larger bank.

  Relationship with Coca-Cola

  SunTrust has a long-standing relationship with the Coca-Cola Company. The Trust Company of Georgia helped underwrite the initial public offering of The Coca-Cola Company in 1919. As a result, the bank received some of Coke‘s publicly traded stock, and SunTrust retains 48.3 million shares (3.58%) of Coke as of 2006. This stake, which has a GAAP cost of $110,000, is today worth approximately $2 billion and pays $59 million a year in dividends. In addition, the original copy of the formula for Coca-Cola is stored in a safe deposit box of a SunTrust location in Atlanta.Ernest Woodruff, president of the Trust Company from 1904 to 1922, was the father of Robert W. Woodruff, Coca-Cola‘s president from 1923 to 1954 and board member until 1984. As of 2007, two Coca-Cola executives sit on SunTrust‘s board of directors and a former SunTrust CEO sits on Coca-Cola‘s board.

  On May 15, 2007 SunTrust announced that it had sold 4.5 million shares, or 9%, of its 48.2 million shares of Coca-Cola. The company plans by year end to decide what to do with the remaining shares it owns.


应收账款 区域货币 区间估计 CPI(Consumer Price Index) 资本成本 单向定单 金融危机 认可 汇率 外汇通 外汇佣金 资产 经济 ISO 服务 增量成本 CFO 加工 MIT 什一税 租赁期 销售 股价反弹 SME REF 抽签偿还 技术 MG金融集团 空头陷阱 市场 美元 股利收入 中小企业 资本 美国 两会 中国股市 备付金率 价格 吊空 指数 股灾 葡萄牙币 pt 调至市价 下降三角形 清算 Writer 电子汇兑 FDI 税粮 Theta width peg MACD 巴塞尔资本协议 冲账 艾略特波段理论的含义 银行 管理 外汇交易法 贴现现金流 短期同业拆借 拔档 联系汇率制度 消费发展战略 延期付款汇票 Exposure 公司 短期国际商业贷款 阴烛 金融中介理论 不完全竞争市场理论 (金融) 标准普尔(S&P) 美国贝勒大学 正利差 汇差清算率 外汇 分期付款汇票 软通货 出口物价指数 选择权买方 集中竞价 百分比回撤 无记名汇票最低报价戴维·凯特标准·普尔 500指数抵押品持平德国工业产值德国消费者物价指数成本协同效益 非农就业人口 德国伊弗研究所景气调查 交易 持平 金融 道琼斯公用事业平均指数 指示汇票 产品竞争力 Quote 财务指标 盈利能力比率 货币 外汇实盘交易方式 外汇实盘交易指令 国际收支差额 BBC制度 什么是外汇市场的过分反应 货币期货交易 波浪理论与新闻价值性的关系 南洋商业银行 希腊德拉马克