
法国法郎小传 以“自由”命名





  第二次世界大战后,法国再度发生恶性通货膨胀,同英镑比价跌至接近1:1000。1960年发行新法郎(Nouveau Franc),确定其币值为旧法郎的100倍,相当于0.1802克黄金


  停止流通期限:2002.02.17 ,商业银行停止收兑期限:2002.06.30 , 中央银行停止收兑期限:纸币10年,辅币3年

500法郎“皮埃尔和玛丽·居里”(Pierre et Marie Curie,1995年3月发行), 200法郎的“居斯塔夫·艾菲尔”(Gustave Eiffel,1996年10月发行) 100法郎的“塞尚”(Paul Cezanne,1997年12月发行), 50法郎的“圣·埃克苏佩里”(Saint-Exupery,1993年10月发行) 20法郎的“德彪西” (Debussy,1981年10月发行)。
500法郎的“帕斯卡尔”(Pascal,1969年1月发行), 200法郎的“孟德斯鸠” (Montesquieu,1982年7月发行), 100法郎的“德拉克罗瓦”(Delacroix,1979年8月发行) 50法郎的“康坦·德·拉图尔” (Quentin de La Tour,1977年4月发行)










  辅币进位: 1法郎=100生丁(CENTIMES)





The History of the French franc

One of Europe's oldest currencies, the french franc was first minted in 1360 to pay a King's ransom for the release of King John the Good. It reappeared in a variety of manifestations over the course of French history, often in times of trouble. The currencies name comes from the inscription reading Johannes Dei Gratia Francorum Rex ("Jean by the grace of God King of the French") and its value was set as one livre tournois (a money of account). Francs were later minted under Charles V, Henri III and Henri IV. Louis XIII of France stopped minting the franc in 1641 (replacing it with the écu and Louis d'Or), but use of the name "franc" continued in accounting as a synonym for the livre tournois.

During the French Revolution the franc was established as the national currency by the French Revolutionary Convention in 1795 as a decimal unit (1 franc = 100 centimes). The value of the franc was set at 4.5 grams of fine silver. This was slightly less than the livre tournois which was valued at 4.505 grams of silver, but in 1796 the franc's value was set at 1.0125 livres or (1 livre, 3 deniers), reflecting in part the past minting of sub-standard coins.

In 1803, the "franc germinal" (named after the name of the month in the revolutionary calendar) was established, creating a gold franc containing 9/31 g (290.32 mg) of fine gold. From this point, gold and silver-based units circulated interchangeably on the basis of a 1:15.5 ratio between the values of the two metals (bimetallism). This system continued until 1864, when all silver coins except the 5 franc piece were debased from 90% to 83.5% silver without the weights changing.

1865 saw the formation of the Latin Monetary Union of which France was a founding member. The Latin Monetary Union was an attempt to unify several currencies into a single currency that could be used in all member countries. The Union was formed at a time when most currencies were still made out of gold and silver. The Union was originaly made up of four countries: France, Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. The common currency was based on the French franc germinal, with the name franc already being used in Switzerland and Belgium, whilst other countries continued to use their own names for the currency. Thus 5 Italian lire was equal to 5 french francs. The Union was later joined by Spain and Greece in 1868, and Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Serbia, Montenegro, San Marino and the Papal States in 1889. In 1873, the Monetary Union went over to a purely gold standard of 1 franc equal 9/31 grams of gold.

With outbreak of World War I caused France to leave the gold standard of the Latin Monetary Union. The war severely undermined the franc's strength, as war expenditure, inflation and postwar reconstruction, financed partly through the printing of ever more money, reduced the franc's purchasing power by 70% from 1915 to 1920 and a further 43% from 1922 to 1926. France returned to the gold standard from 1928 - 1936, France left the gold standard in 1936 and the value of the French franc continued to slide.

During the German occupation of France, the franc was a satellite currency of the German Reichsmark. The coins were changed, with the words "travail, famille, patrie" (work, family, fatherland) replacing the Republican triad "Liberté, égalité, Fraternité" (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood) and the symbol of the Vichy regime added.

After the close of World War II the value of the French franc continued to slide further, until in 1959 the value of the French franc was less then 1/40 of its 1935 value.

The New FrancIn January 1960 the French franc was revalued at 100 existing francs. Old franc pieces continued to circulate as centimes (none of which were minted for the first two years), 100 of them making a nouveau franc (the abbreviation NF was used on banknotes for some time). Inflation continued to erode the currency's value but at a greatly reduced rate comparable to other countries so when the value of the franc was pegged to that of the euro in January 1, 1999, the new franc was worth less than an eighth of its original value.

Interestingly, after revaluation and the introduction of the new franc, many French people continued using old francs (anciens francs), to describe large sums. For example, lottery prizes were often advertised in amounts of centimes, equivalent to the old franc. This usage continued right up to when franc notes and coins were withdrawn in 2002.

From January 1, 1999, the value exchange rate of the French franc against the euro was set at a fixed parity of 1 EUR=6.55957 FRF. Euro coins and notes replaced it entirely between January 1 and February 17, 2002. Prior to the introduction of the euro banknotes and coins, French banknotes circulated in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 francs. Coins were issued in denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 francs. The ISO 4217 code for the currency was FRF.

Usage of the French Franc around the GlobeJust Prior to the introduction of the euro, French Banknotes and coins were used in the independent countries of Andorra and Monaco and in the French possessions of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion and St. Pierre et Miquelon.

Several now independent former French colonies use currencies with their exchange rate tied to the value of the French Franc. See related currencies at the bottom of this page for a complete list.

Historical Exchange RatesThe table below gives the average yearly exchange rates of the franc from 1948 until the euro's introduction in 2002. The rates show are the number of French francs per U.S. Dollar and per British pound.

* Rates from 1948 - 1959 are shown in old francs.
法国法郎样币 法国法郎和摩纳哥铸币


应收账款 区域货币 区间估计 CPI(Consumer Price Index) 资本成本 单向定单 金融危机 认可 汇率 外汇通 外汇佣金 资产 经济 ISO 服务 增量成本 CFO 加工 MIT 什一税 租赁期 销售 股价反弹 SME REF 抽签偿还 技术 MG金融集团 空头陷阱 市场 美元 股利收入 中小企业 资本 美国 两会 中国股市 备付金率 价格 吊空 指数 股灾 葡萄牙币 pt 调至市价 下降三角形 清算 Writer 电子汇兑 FDI 税粮 Theta width peg MACD 巴塞尔资本协议 冲账 艾略特波段理论的含义 银行 管理 外汇交易法 贴现现金流 短期同业拆借 拔档 联系汇率制度 消费发展战略 延期付款汇票 Exposure 公司 短期国际商业贷款 阴烛 金融中介理论 不完全竞争市场理论 (金融) 标准普尔(S&P) 美国贝勒大学 正利差 汇差清算率 外汇 分期付款汇票 软通货 出口物价指数 选择权买方 集中竞价 百分比回撤 无记名汇票最低报价戴维·凯特标准·普尔 500指数抵押品持平德国工业产值德国消费者物价指数成本协同效益 非农就业人口 德国伊弗研究所景气调查 交易 持平 金融 道琼斯公用事业平均指数 指示汇票 产品竞争力 Quote 财务指标 盈利能力比率 外汇实盘交易方式 货币 外汇实盘交易指令 国际收支差额 BBC制度 什么是外汇市场的过分反应 货币期货交易 波浪理论与新闻价值性的关系 南洋商业银行 希腊德拉马克